Infomation Measures for CIO and CDO

2 Page summary how CIO and CDO should determine data initative across enterprise. Information measurements should have following dimensions - Data Quality, Data relevancy, Realized value, Cost, Competitive value, Benefits from data. Using these CIO and CO can determine where they need to run data qality initiatives and where they need to run Digital Transformaton initivates.

Comments -Economics of Data

  • Data centric AI approach focus on data rather than model
  • Data product focus on building lifecycle of data, so that multiple stakeholders can use it
  • C:/e/a2_generated_sites/0-articles/Technology/ML/abexperiment/guide/1-Introduction/1.articlelist C:/e/a2_generated_sites/0-articles/Technology/ML/abexperiment/guide/1-Introduction/1.txt

    Economis of Data

  • Data Quality

  • Cost of collecting data

  • Data Relevancy

  • comepttive value of data

  • Realized value of data

  • Realized benefits

  • Prereq for A/B testing

    Please ensure wole team has reasonably good understanding of these topics

  • Randomization
  • Sample
  • Population
  • Control and treatment
  • P-values
  • Confidence interval
  • Statistical significance
  • Practical significance

  • Prereq for A/B testing

    Please ensure wole team has reasonably good understanding of these topics

  • Randomization
  • Sample
  • Population
  • Control and treatment
  • P-values
  • Confidence interval
  • Statistical significance
  • Practical significance