Why Kreatebots

Get well tested simple AI Assistant to complex LLM based AI assistant. Combine multiple agents to build multi agents systems. a simple, lightweight design, solid HTML5 and CSS3 code, and full responsive support for desktop, tablet, and mobile displays.

Who are you guys?

  • Build AI Bots

    Built AI bots from your data. Describe the knowledgebase and task user need to accomplist. Kreatebot will help you assemble a bot.

  • Build Future User Interface

    In essence, future user interfaces will dissolve the boundaries between website and chatbot interactions, creating a unified and intuitive experience that anticipates user needs, offers personalized guidance, and allows for effortless task completion across multiple platforms.

Why multiple agents

Here are example questions users ask - 1. How much you charge for your service , 2. Can you help me build report about demographic changes in USA market and draw graphs.
First one is a simple questions and it only need business knowledge. Second question need external knowledge. Using one large AI assistnt for both is similar to using a space shuttle to go to next door.
Kreatebot let you combine AI chatbot and AI assitant seemlessly. It use simple component to answer question from internal knowledgebase and use advance components and LLM where complex reasoning is involved.

  • B2B set up Agents

    These Agent help you sell and support B2B business. The bots can answer question how your business can meet need of other business.
    These assitant can also collect, import required information about other business and automae variety of tasks.

  • B2C Agents

    These AI Assitants /Bot can support user,, answer queries and help them make a decision to buy services from your business such as Dietician, Physical Trainer, Tax Consultant, Investment Consultant, Plumber, Handyman, Electrician etc.
    These bots have more advance KYC capbilities to collect customer profile thru forms filled by customer, document uploaded on google drive

  • LLM based Agents

    These are agents that excel in complex reasoning e.g. retirement planner, weight loss planner, physical trainer These agent take a complex question break down into smaller parts and deliver a e2e report.

  • Execution Agents

    These are agents that are automation expert These agent automate workflow, integrate with external system and complete task.

  • Information Gathering Agents

    These bots collect information from B2B, B2B customer, potential users in complaint manner. These bot use forms that user can fill, can help user import data thru drives, cloud buckets..

Create value from data

Empower business users

Future User Interface - blend of website and chatbot

Here's a vision of how future user interfaces will seamlessly blend website and chatbot interfaces to create a more personalized, intuitive, and engaging experience:

1. Proactive and Persistent Chatbots:

Chatbots will greet users upon arrival, offering help and initiating conversations proactively. They'll remain visible and accessible throughout the website journey, ready to assist at any point. Users will be able to switch between chat and website interactions effortlessly, without losing context.

2. Context-Aware Messaging:

Chatbots will understand the user's current page, actions, and browsing history to provide relevant and timely assistance. They'll anticipate needs and offer proactive suggestions based on context. No need for repetitive information; chatbots will retain conversation history and user preferences.

3. Seamless Navigation and Task Completion:

Chatbots will guide users through website tasks, like product searches, checkout processes, or account management. They'll directly initiate actions on the user's behalf, streamlining navigation and reducing clicks. Users can complete tasks entirely within the chat interface, without needing to switch windows or tabs.

4. Personalized Recommendations and Guidance:

Chatbots will leverage user data and browsing patterns to offer personalized product recommendations, content suggestions, and support options. They'll tailor suggestions based on individual interests, preferences, and purchase history. Users will receive relevant guidance and support throughout their journey.

5. Cross-Platform Availability:

Chatbots will be accessible on various channels, including websites, mobile apps, messaging platforms, and even voice assistants. Users can engage with them consistently across multiple devices and touchpoints. A unified experience will be maintained regardless of the platform used.

6. Enhanced Visual and Interactive Elements:

Chatbots will incorporate rich media, such as images, videos, GIFs, and product carousels, for engaging interactions. They'll support interactive elements like forms, surveys, and quizzes within the chat interface. Information and options will be presented in visually appealing and dynamic ways.

7. Human-Like Responsiveness and Empathy:

Advanced AI and natural language processing will enable chatbots to hold natural, flowing conversations. They'll respond empathetically to user emotions, offering appropriate support and reassurance. Users will feel like they're interacting with a helpful and understanding human.

8. Contextual Handoffs to Human Agents:

Chatbots will recognize when human assistance is needed and seamlessly transfer conversations to live agents. The transition will be smooth and context-aware, ensuring a continuous and personalized experience. Users will have access to human expertise when required, without disrupting their interaction flow.