Example of complex summarization for LLM

Example of a complex text summarization
Here's an example of a complex text summarization task that would benefit from a 100k token LLM like GPT-3:
Summarizing a lengthy research paper in the biological sciences. For example, a paper on a new genetic discovery related to cancer. These papers are often 10-20 pages long and contain:
• A detailed introduction that provides the scientific and medical background for the research. This context helps establish why the research is important.
• An in-depth methods section describing the experimental setup, techniques and protocols used. This includes things like the protein samples studied, genes sequenced, types of assays performed, etc.
• Results described across multiple sections and figures presenting things like gene expression changes, protein interactions, cell behavior, etc. across different conditions and over time.
• A discussion section that synthesizes and interprets the results in the context of prior knowledge, outlines limitations and proposes future work.
To accurately summarize this paper in a concise 3-5 paragraph summary would require:
• Understanding the scientific background and context over multiple sentences and paragraphs.
• Interpreting the complex methods and different result types presented.
• Identifying the key results and trends across different sections of the paper.
• Integrating the results with the background and interpreting their significance and implications.
• Synthesizing the main conclusions and future directions in a coherent manner.
The larger context window of a 100k token LLM allows it to maintain coherence while incorporating relevant information spread over long spans of text. This helps it generate a summary that captures the key findings and significance of the research at a high level in a factually consistent manner.
Does this example help illustrate the type of complex text summarization task that would require a larger language model size? Let me know if you have any other questions.